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Dear all this is the video of wired robot workshop. This was conducted for the 1st year students of ICT.
Diploma students are involved in online certification course.
A session on "Best practices to become a Successful Software Engineer" was conducted by Mr. Darshan Patel(SAP Operations and Competency Head - Mexico at Tata Consultancy Services) where in we learnt about attributes a students should have while targeting a MNC for there job options , also learnt how mentoring is helpful not only while studying but always. We thank him for getting out time from his busy schedule and helping us grow.
A startup and entrepreneurship conclave aimed at creating an ecosystem for entrepreneurship in the Saurashtra region. The conclave will bring young minds of the region face to face with some of the region's finest Mentors, Businessmen, Entrepreneurs and startup fund promoters. The Conclave is intended to catalyze startup culture and build a strong and i n c l u s i v e e c o s y s t e m f o r i n n o v a t i o n a n d entrepreneurship among the young technocrats.
This video is about the Project Fair for 2019 Batch. This was organized under the project based learning activity. This was under the subject: Electronic Practice.
Thank you very much Dr. Vasant Sapovadiya for such a informative Webinar.In session we have got valuable tips like 20-20 rule, frequent break , correct seating posture , Don over use of Digital Devices, use of proper lighting, how to made life easy tips , computer vision syndrome.And yet many questions are covered in Q and A session. Total 135+ student through meeting and others benefited from Live Stream.